For more information, check out the accompaning documentation file. NOTE: If you are using HFS, supply full pathname for file names. [{$ELSEC] and {$ENDC - Both used in conjunction with $IFC $IFC and $ELSEC or $ENDC, whichever is first. If false, text between $ELSEC and $ENDC is included. {$IFC Variable (<>=) Numeric Literal - Compares variable and literal, if true includes statements between (spaces must surround ':=') {$SETC Variable := Numeric Literal - Sets value of variable to value of numeric literal use supported. Duplicate declarations are ignored. {$DECL Variable1[,Variable2,...Variable10] - Declares preprocessor variables. At present, only integer {$PREIN "File Name of include file" - The file will be preprocessed and included in the output. launch the application by that name. later. If not specified, PreProc will prompt you. If you give a launch name, PreProc will attempt to {$OPT "Output file extension"[,"Launch name"] - Specify as first line of input, ignored if encountered In the lines below, the characters '[' and ']' surround anything optional. Commands: Every command starts with '{$' and can end with '}' or .